Monday 10 May 2010


I was unable to attend all of the shoots myself but i did attend the first in dartford park. we all took our part in setting up the shoot and setting the scene, lyndsay took control of directing the shoot while tessa filmed the action itself. i took care of helping setting up the shoot under direction, such as swings and movement. the shoot alsted for about an hour because of poor weather conditions but this gave quite a lot more imput into the scene and the actresses and actors played a very good part in this shoot.

i was unable to make it to the other video shoots as i was eitehr away at the time or was unable to get to the location. Once all was filmed we had to then transfer all the files onto the computer. we had trouble doing this at points because the files didnt want to transfer through a standard usb cable. After asking for help from our college's IT department we found we needed a Firewire cable, we had a look for the cabel but couldnt find one, luckily lyndsay was able to get one so we could then move on to editing.

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